Comprehensive OT Cognitive Assessment

Traumatic brain injuries impact people in different ways

How you report that impact matters. The quality of information available for your case can help make a difference in getting approvals for their treatment.

If your client had a mild or moderate traumatic brain injury or concussion, has difficulty with cognitive functions, and needs an assessment to build their case, our Comprehensive Occupational Therapy Cognitive Assessment is the best place to start.

Capture a complete picture of your client’s limitations and needs

Documenting how your client functions at home or in the community, or how they interact with others, paints a detailed picture of your client and their needs. It’s critical to qualify how they respond to daily stressors, such as noise, lights, people and other distractions in their real-world environment.

Our two-day assessment includes standardized testing and a functional assessment. We conduct them in your client’s home and community to report on how they function in different settings given their injuries.

Our experienced Occupational Therapists give you reports that substantiate your client’s current functional abilities and limitations. We also make recommendations for treatment, devices, services and other supports that help facilitate their recovery.

Set up a Comprehensive Occupational Therapy Cognitive Assessment for your client today!

Get effective documentation
for your client’s case

Strengthen your client’s case with:

A thorough report on neuro-dysfunction and cognitive function and how these limitations affect your client’s life.

Relevant objective and subjective findings for catastrophic determination process, or for assistance with Motor Vehicle Personal Injury Accident benefits and Tort.

Reports that can assist the Life Care Planner in determining the need for future care.

Re-assessment reports that outline your client’s improvements in cognitive functioning and strategy use, as well as the supports they may still require.

Our Five-Step Approach

Step 1: Intake

Our experienced team conducts an intake interview with your client and submits an OCF 18 to the accident benefits adjuster for approval, when it is required.

Step 2: Assess cognitive limitations

We organize two days of assessments to get a clear picture of how your client’s cognitive limitations affect their everyday life.

  • Day 1 – Standardized Cognitive Testing: We evaluate your client’s neurofunction in a real-life context. A report is generated with the analysis of their performance that outlines their strengths and weaknesses in neurofunction.
  • Day 2 – Functional Cognitive Assessment: Our Occupational Therapist reviews the findings from Day 1 and then carefully curates and conducts a series of functional, real-life activities that will evaluate how your client cognitively performs when doing complex daily tasks. The assessor will also include interviewing your client, and close family or friends to provide collateral information, as well as reviewing the medical brief.

Step 3: Referral to a neurologist

We refer your client to a neurologist to assist with the medical evaluation, if it has not been done already.

Step 4: Strengthen your case

To bolster your client’s case, you will receive:

  • Comprehensive Occupational Therapy Standardized Cognitive Assessment based on the Day 1 testing
  • PiOT’s Comprehensive Occupational Therpy Cognitive Functional Assessment report that analyzes the findings of both days, as well as any medical documents provided. The report includes:
    • Pre- and post-injury functional picture
    • File review, including a review of neurology findings
    • Detailed standardized testing results
    • Analysis of both days’ assessment results and interviews
    • A plan for your client’s cognitive rehabilitation

Step 5: Plan your client’s way forward

We recommend a clear plan for your client’s cognitive rehabilitation, which may include:

  • Recommendations for assistive technology
  • Remedial rehabilitation recommendations and plans
  • Compensatory strategies to help create routines and habits to improve daily functional outcomes
  • Support personnel, such as a registered social worker or personal support worker

Want to learn more?

Set up your one-on-one Zoom call with Arvinder today!

Book a personal, customized and confidential meeting to discuss your client’s situation or to answer any questions about how our Comprehensive Occupational Therapy Cognitive Assessment can help your client and their case.
Just click the button to send us an email with preferred dates, time and your time zone.

Set up a Comprehensive Occupational
Therapy Cognitive Assessment

for your client today!

Let us help you build your client’s case and help them get the rehabilitation they need.


We listen to our client’s needs.
Here’s what they have to say about us.

Need help
from an experienced
Occupational Therapist?

We can give you the best solutions and treatments to support your recovery. Contact us to get started today.

6-14845 Yonge Street, Suite# 346
Aurora, Ontario, L4G 6H8

Phone: 647.847.4005
Toll Free: 1.866.829.5535

Fax: 647.933.2920
