Return to Work Services

Your roadmap for return-to-work readiness

At PiOT, we understand the critical importance of ensuring a person is physically, cognitively and emotionally prepared to re-integrate into the workplace following injury, illness or disability. Whether a person was absent because of short-term or long-term
disability, or WSIB reasons, it’s essential to not undo their progress during recovery.

The wrong return-to-work conditions can leave an employee feeling frustrated, unprepared to go back to work and affect their well-being at home. It can also cost a workplace time, productivity and money.

Good employers and disability managers know how to set an employee up for success when they return to work. Let us guide you through that.

Set up a Functional Return-to-Work and Readiness Assessments for your client today!

Set up your employee for success

Our Functional Return-to-Work and Readiness Assessments are carefully designed by our team of experts to guide individuals, employers and disability management professionals to get people back into the workforce the best way possible. We’ll help you take the guesswork out of:

Determining if an employee is ready to return to work after an illness or injury

Understanding if they are able to do the job they had or if changes are necessary

Setting up the best process and environment to have them succeed when they return to work, and build a healthy work-life balance after work

A clear return-to-work plan

1. Intake


Book an intake meeting. We’ll work with you to determine a personalized assessment protocol specific to your individual case.

2. Assessments


Our team of expert professionals conduct one or more of our Functional Return to Work and Readiness Assessments.

3. Recommendations


Our team analyzes the assessments and give you PiOT’s Occupational Therapy Recommendations Report. It’s your roadmap with evidence-based data to make informed return-to-work decisions.

Need a Functional Return-to-Work and Readiness Assessment?

Get a complete picture of Return-to-Work Readiness

Get an accurate, impartial picture of an employee’s readiness to return to work and what they need to help them to succeed. Based on your intake information, our team will recommend one or more of PiOT’s Functional Return-to-Work and Readiness Assessments:

We take the following into consideration when recommending assessments:

the individual’s injury and how it impacts their ability to work in their pre-injury job or a different one

if they have a job to return to, or if they already at work but struggling in their job due to their injury or illness

if modifications and accommodations are possible for the job

the policies, procedures and disability management structure of the workplace

Functional Capacity Evaluation

Is the employee physically capable of doing the job?

Our Functional Capacity Evaluation is spearheaded by experienced Kinesiologists who specialize in evaluating physical functional abilities relevant to work tasks using a standardized computerized software and assessment method. Through a series of rigorous tests and assessments, we explore individuals’ capabilities, limitations and endurance levels. These assessments mirror real-life work activities, including lifting, carrying, bending, reaching and more.

How is this assessment useful?

The results of our Functional Capacity Evaluation provide invaluable insights that guide healthcare providers, employers and rehabilitation professionals in determining readiness for return to work, developing rehabilitation programs and fostering effective communication among stakeholders.

This assessment includes:

Strength Assessment: Testing a person’s ability to lift, carry, push and pull objects of varying weights.

Range of Motion Assessment: Evaluating the flexibility and mobility of joints and muscles.

Endurance Assessment: Assessing a person’s ability to sustain physical activity over time.

Functional Task Assessment: Observing a person as they perform specific work-related tasks to assess their ability to complete them safely and effectively.

Pain Assessment: Evaluating a person’s pain levels during various activities and movements.

Cardiovascular Fitness Assessment: Assessing a person’s aerobic capacity and overall cardiovascular health.

Job Demands Assessment

What abilities are required from an employee to do a job?

Our Job Demands Assessment is a thorough evaluation of the physical, cognitive, emotional, and sensory requirements of a particular job or workplace environment. Ideally, this assessment is conducted at the worksite. However, it may also be completed offsite by our Occupational Therapist, with the provision of a thorough job description provided by the employer and our Occupational Therapist’s analysis of each job task with the employee.

How is this assessment useful?

Our Job Demands Assessment is a critical part of the return-to-work process as it helps to analyze and breakdown the job tasks to understand the skills the employee would require to perform these tasks well.

This assessment analyzes:

Physical Demands: Evaluating tasks such as lifting, carrying, pushing, pulling, standing, walking and bending to assess physical capability without risking further injury.

Cognitive Demands: Assessing problem-solving, decision-making, attention to detail, memory and concentration to ensure individuals can meet job requirements.

Emotional Demands: Evaluating stress levels, coping mechanisms and emotional resilience to manage job environment challenges effectively.

Sensory Demands: Examining visual, auditory and tactile stimuli requirements to ensure a person’s sensory capabilities meet job demands.

Occupational Therapy Assessment

Can the employee’s skills and limitations meet the demands of the job?

PiOT’s Occupational Therapy Assessment for returning to work involves a comprehensive evaluation of a person’s functional abilities, skills and limitations in relation to their job requirements. Depending on the job and the workplace policies and procedures, a jobsite assessment may be conducted along with the assessment of the employee’s skills. Our assessment is carefully curated based on the information provided by the client and in the medical documents and information gathered at the workplace.

How is this assessment useful?

This assessment gives an overall perspective of how the client is functioning. It details their strengths and limitations, and how this could potentially affect their job. This information is necessary to develop a tailored return-to-work program plan.

This assessment includes:

Medical History Review: Examining details of the injury, illness or disability causing work interruption.

Review of the Functional Capacity Evaluation (FCE): Review of the physical abilities such as strength, endurance, flexibility and mobility in relation to job demands.

Cognitive and Perceptual Assessment: Evaluating memory, attention, problem-solving and decision-making skills to meet job requirements.

Psychosocial Evaluation: Examining emotional and psychological readiness to return to work, including stress tolerance, coping mechanisms and motivation.

Functional Activities Assessment: Gauging readiness to perform specific job-related tasks or activities.

Collaboration with Other Professionals: Working closely with physicians, physiotherapists, psychologists and employers for a comprehensive understanding of a person’s conditions and needs.

Worksite Assessment

What modifications or skills are needed to optimize an employee’s job performance?

If permitted by the employer, our Occupational Therapist will conduct an assessment at the worksite, with or without the employee present. The goals of the assessment will be outlined during the intake co-ordination with PiOT.

How is this assessment useful?

An Occupational Therapy Worksite Assessment plays a crucial role in promoting workplace safety, facilitating successful return-to-work transitions and optimizing job performance for a person with diverse abilities and needs. The assessment will help you with

Return-to-Work Planning: The assessment helps facilitate their return-to-work process. It identifies modifications and accommodations needed to support a person’s successful reintegration into the workplace.

Accommodation Requests: Employees with disabilities or health conditions may request accommodations to enable them to perform their job duties effectively. A Worksite Assessment helps identify the specific accommodations needed to address a person’s functional limitations and ensure equal employment opportunities.

Preventative Measures: Employers may proactively request Worksite Assessments to identify potential hazards and ergonomic risks within the workplace. By addressing these issues early, employers can promote a safe and healthy work environment, reduce the risk of work-related injuries, and enhance employee productivity and satisfaction.

This assessment analyzes:

Physical Environment: This includes evaluating the layout of the workspace, such as the arrangement of furniture, equipment and tools. Our Occupational Therapist assesses whether the environment is accessible and conducive to the person's needs.

Job Demands: The Occupational Therapist examines the specific tasks and duties associated with the individual's job role. This involves assessing the physical requirements, repetitive movements, cognitive demands and any potential ergonomic issues that may impact a person's ability to perform their job effectively.

Safety Hazards: Occupational Therapists identify potential environmental hazards within the workplace that may pose safety risks to a person's health and safety.

Workstation Ergonomics: This assessment focuses on the design and setup of the individual's workstation, including the placement of computer monitors, keyboards, chairs and other ergonomic factors. The Occupational Therapist offers recommendations to optimize the workstation layout and minimize the risk of musculoskeletal injuries.

Job Performance Abilities: The Occupational Therapist evaluates a person's functional abilities that are specific to their work tasks or environment. The individual may be asked to perform various work tasks as part of this assessment. This helps determine whether a person requires any assistive devices or modifications to perform their job tasks effectively.

Your roadmap of recommendations

After the assessment protocols are completed, you’ll receive PiOT’s Occupational Therapy Recommendations Report. In this medical-legal documentation, our Kinesiologists and Occupational Therapists compile reports and conduct thorough analyses to form opinions on a person’s return-to-work readiness and a return-to-work plan.


If it’s determined that the employee isn’t able to fully return to work, we’ll give you recommendations based on their abilities and limitations. These recommendations may include job coaching, graduated return-to-work plans, or modifications to job tasks or work environments.


We also consider the impact on their ability to function outside of the job, helping them find ways to easily transition between work and homelife.


Whenever possible, we collaborate closely with individuals, employers, disability professionals, and human resource departments to plan and facilitate a successful return to work.

Get your Return-to-Work roadmap

Get the clarity and plan you need for your employee’s return to work.


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Need help
from an experienced
Occupational Therapist?

We can give you the best solutions and treatments to support your recovery. Contact us to get started today.

6-14845 Yonge Street, Suite# 346
Aurora, Ontario, L4G 6H8

Phone: 647.847.4005
Toll Free: 1.866.829.5535

Fax: 647.933.2920
