Avoiding the Other COVID 19

Avoiding the Other COVID 19

Similar to the Freshman 15, where students who are away from home for the first time find that they have gained weight, notably around 15 pounds, the “COVID 19” weight gain has affected many of us as we struggle to maintain our weight and fitness level since dealing with the necessary changes since the beginning of the pandemic.

The stresses are comparable:  adjusting to unfamiliar routines, decrease in exercise, loneliness and isolation, boredom, emotional upset, changes in diet and lack of accessibility to our usual familiar foods.

From time to time, we find ourselves turning to food for comfort, and while it may bring some momentary consolation, indulging in unhealthy food and alcohol in excess can result in weight gain.

A recent article in Woman’s Day magazine provides many helpful tips on mindful eating.  Your occupational therapist or other health care provider can help you get back on track and be present and focused while eating.

They can also refer you to nutritionists or dieticians who can assist you with nutrition and lifestyle suggestions to help you get through these difficult times.

Contact us today for any guidance on getting back on track or to avoid the other COVID-19!