09 Oct Grateful, Nevertheless
What an unusual Thanksgiving we will be having this year. The pandemic numbers are once again surging, situations and rules that were put in place yesterday have changed once again by today.
It can be difficult to remain optimistic when the ground under your feet is constantly shifting. Yet, even as restrictions are being imposed that may limit our conveniences, entertainment and travel, this is the time of year when we reflect on all the things for which we are grateful.
We are thankful for our devoted PiOT family and our associated healthcare providers who have tirelessly pushed through these difficult times and reinvented themselves many times over in order to support our clients. Their creativity and knowledge has served to reassure clients that they will not fall behind or be forgotten.
Please take a moment this year to give thanks, even if your Thanksgiving celebration may not be what you imagined it should be. Reflect on your abilities, and on what you will be able to do once again in the future.
Celebrate the joys of communication, be it in person, by phone, internet, or a wave through a window. We are so grateful for the enthusiasm of our hard-working OT’s and healthcare team, providing stability and care during these unusual times.
Happy Thanksgiving!