03 Jun New Normal
Our country is taking careful steps to reopen. There is much chatter about creating the “NEW NORMAL”. One might argue philosophically about the meaning of “normal”, and if there ever was such a concept. Normal is a more of an evolution than a constant state, encouraging us to take risks and follow opportunities to improve our quality of life. The complexities we face in a world where things are changing at an ever increasing pace can seem overwhelming at any time, but can be intimidating during the pandemic conditions we must adapt to during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Let’s look at the current “normal”. What this situation has instructed us to do is to take care of ourselves first. Taking care of yourself to avoid illness is crucial and basic. Self-isolate. Wash your hands. Keep your distance. Note any unusual physical symptoms. Wash your hands again. As the saying goes, you cannot serve from an empty vessel.
We must also recognize the importance of taking care of our mental health. It is the most essential of self-care needs, as it in turn affects all other aspects of our lives. It is a basic pillar of self-care; mental health should be discussed as openly and matter-of-factly as washing your hands. Every one of us has been affected by the challenges of the current situation, it is admirable to reach out for assistance to improve your best state of mind in order to handle what lies ahead. There are many existing and new outlets being created to support the current and upcoming needs of our mental health sector, many resources are available to ease your struggle. Reach out to your occupational therapist or other healthcare professional, they are there to guide you and provide direction to help you work through your particular challenges as we move through to the “next normal”. With guidance and optimism, we may even be able to call it the “better normal”.